1976 Thatchers Mill Road, Paris, KY 40361
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 43, North Middletown, KY 40357
(859) 362-4467
“Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” Matthew 19:14
We value the little ones in our midst and consider them true disciples. In fact, we probably learn as much from the children as we teach them. We are intentional about teaching the faith to children. They serve as acolytes who are entrusted to bring in the Light of Christ as we begin worship. They have a weekly “Children’s Moment” with the pastor on the front steps, then they are dismissed to worship in their own sanctuary as they learn the stories of the faith. This time is called “Children’s Worship and Wonder” and it teaches them the rhythms of the church year, stories of the Bible, the rituals of our worship service, and, perhaps most importantly of all, how to ask questions! Yes, we encourage them to grow by asking questions and “wondering” about the things they encounter.
We have other opportunities for the children to get together throughout the year. Sometimes we go to movies, get pizza, eat ice cream, or picnic at Cane Ridge. It is always fun! The church has a bright present and a hopeful future.